_______________  ___          __      __  _________________________   ___ ___  
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  |    |    \     /   ______ \   \/\/   /  /_\  \|    |   /    \  \//    ~    \
  |    |    /     \  /_____/  \        /    |    \    |   \     \___\    Y    /
  |____|   /___/\  \           \__/\  /\____|__  /____|    \______  /\___|_  / 
                 \_/                \/         \/                 \/       \/  

Notes from the Author

Who are you?

I’m just some guy. I have no qualifications to speak about this topic.

Why did you write this?

Because no one else did.

I have a bug you don’t have on your list.

Email me with as many details as possible at txwatch [@] national.shitposting.agency. Pictures, frequencies, country of origin, country of discovery, and vendor are all highly valuable to me. If you don’t have all of those details, just send me what you have and I can finish out the rest. I really appreciate help.

This list could encourage people to buy bugs.

This is sort of what I want. Bad people will do bad things regardless of what I write. Instead I want normal people to have access to these sorts of devices for training. The more people own them, the more they are demystified, the more countermeasures are produced, the less effective they will become. The same holds true for lockpicks, infosec tools, and firearms. If most people knew how to find a simple FM transmitter or unwanted GSM bug, the skill barrier and cost to bug someone would dramatically increase, potentially pricing many bad actors out of the market.

Can I steal X design feature/image/css from your website?

Absolutely, you don’t even have to ask or cite me.


The scan line animation is from the ParkAction neocities site. ParkAction is run by a very talented artist, and you should check the website out. The Navi logo is stolen from Fauux’s Neocities website. Various images of bugs are taken from their manufacture’s website. These images fall under fair use as this website explicitly is discussing their product.

Special Note:

If you are one of *those* people that makes product at least shout me out in it.